Asami Seki
Japanese choreographer Asami Seki began her classical ballet training at age three in Sapporo and moved to the United States to train professionally at the Walnut Hill School as a scholarship student. She has danced professionally with Joffrey Ballet Ensemble in New York City and Nashville Ballet in Tennessee. While still actively dancing and performing, she began to focus as a choreographer during this time. Her work, “Gnossien,” was chosen to be performed at the contemporary program at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in New York City.
In 2016, she was accepted to Dance ICONS Choreographic Institute in Washington DC and received Professional Certification in Choreography. Upon the graduation, she was named as their International Network Associate. http://www.danceicons.org/
As a ballet mistress, she was involved in the 30th anniversary performance of the Sapporo Ballet Seminar for a work by Jose Martinez, as well as for the National Ballet of Japan's Tour performances. Since 2022, she has been in charge of choreography for the Chitose Citizens' Musical.
In May 2024, she has choreographed for the Movious Contemporary Ballet in Washington DC. . In July 2024, her sold out independent performance "AQUArt" was selected for the 1586th Sapporo City Arts Festival. In October 2024, she was awarded grant from Hokkaido Human Resources Development Project to attend the Creator’s Program at the La Faktoria Choreographic Center in Spain.
2016 Winner of Youth America Gran Prix
2017 Yokohama International Choreographic Competition Finalist
2020 JBC Ballet Competition 1st Place (Choreographic Work)
2024 PIBC Ballet Competition 1st Place, Outstanding Instructor Award (Choreographic Work)
関 あさみ
これまでに外崎 芳昭、山崎 敬子、マイケル・オーウェン、ジョン・マグナス、タマラ・キング、フランチェスカ・コークル、カーク・ピーターソン、ダイアン・ノヤら各氏に師事。
2017年米国Dance Metro DCより奨学金を得てICONS Smart Choreographic Institute卒業、Professional Certification in Choreography修得。卒業後はDanceICONS(振付家の為のオンラインプラットホーム)にてInternational Network Associate就任。各国代表とのコミュニケーション、情報管理、ニュースレター作成などを行う。
バレエミストレスとして19年札幌芸術の森バレエセミナー30周年記念公演 ジョゼ・マルティネス氏振付作品、新国立劇場バレエ団hitaru公演に携わる。22年より千歳市民ミュージカル振付担当。
現在は振付家として北海道内の様々な地域で精力的に作品発表を行う傍ら、後進育成にも積極的に取り組んでいる。24年5月米国Movious Contemporary Ballet団より振付依頼を受ける。24年7月自主公演「AQUArt」が第1586回札幌市民芸術祭採択作品となり3公演すべて完売となる。
24年10月より北海道未来人材育成事業7期生としてChoreographic Center La Factoriaクリエーターズプログラム受講の為スペインに9ヶ月滞在。