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Asami Seki

Japanese dance artist Asami Seki began her classical ballet training at age three in Sapporo. She moved to the United States to begin her professional dance training at the prestigious Walnut Hill School for the Performing Arts as a scholarship student. During this time, she won first prize at the Youth America Gran Prix, one of American’s most significant prizes.


Upon graduating from Walnut Hill, she was invited to New York City by the Joffrey Ballet School. She danced and toured extensively with the school company, and performed  many newly choreographed works as well as big classical repertoires. While still actively dancing and performing, she has also focused her work as a choreographer. Her work, “Gnossien,” was chosen to be performed at the renowned contemporary program at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Times Square, New York City.


In 2007, after dancing in New York for more than 3 years, she joined the Nashville Ballet Company. After dancing and touring for two years in Nashville, Asami returned to her native Sapporo to accept numerous principal roles with various companies and productions, such as the Unit Little Ballet, a tour company supported by Agency for Cultural Affair, Farewell Ballet, and Stars and Dreams. Asami also started to build her career as a choreographer this time. She has choreographed for the Asahikawa Opera “Carmen”, “Stars&Dreams”, and numerous dance recitals by this time.


In 2017, her work “ Whited Sepulcher” was chosen to go to final at the International Choreographic Competition in Yokohama, Japan. In the same year, she has graduated from Dance ICONS Choreographic Institute in Washington DC., where she was given scholarship by Dance Metro DC to study the art of choreography. After receiving Professional Certification in Choreography, Asami continued her association with the Dance ICONS. As a International Network Associate, she is currently in charge of communication with the Dance ICONS Global Representatives.


Asami has been a member of dance faculty for several dance organizations, including the Walnut Hill School of Arts in Massachusetts, Joy of Motion Dance in Washington DC., Just Cheer and Kotoni Ballet in Japan. While teaching dance in Japan and United States, she continues to choreograph vigorously in both countries. In February 2019, Asami served as a ballet mistress for “Scaramouche,” choreographed by Jose Martinez for the Sapporo Art Park 30th anniversary performance. In 2019 and 2020, she was  a lead ballet mistress for children for the National Ballet of Tokyo’s performances in Sapporo.

関 あさみ

札幌出身。 3歳よりバレエを始める。 

2000年からアメリカのウォルナットヒル芸術高校に、スカラーシップを得て留学。 在学中に第3回ユースアメリカグランプリ、札幌大会にてトップ12、ニューヨークファイナルにて第1位を受賞する。この時期からダイアン アーヴァ二テスの下で振付を学ぶ。 








2011年ドレスデン国際バレエサマースクール受講。同サマースクール主催のマリーナ アントノヴァより招待を受け、2012年ドイツ短期留学。2014年ニューヨークコンテンポラリーマスターズシリーズ受講。


2016年コンテ札幌ダ コンペ選考作家。2017年横浜国際振付コンクールファイナリスト。2017年米国Dance Metro DCより奨学金を得てICONS Smart Choreographic Institute卒業、Professional Certification in Choreography修得。卒業後は​ダンスアイコンズネットワークコーディネーターに就任。


2013年より、バレエ教師として琴似バレエ所属。日本と米国にてダンス講師として数多くのクラスを教える傍ら、活発に作品を発表し現在に至る。2019年2月札幌芸術の森30周年記念公演ジョゼ マルティネズ振付「 Scaramouche 」バレエミストレスを務める。2019年、2020年 新国立劇場バレエ団札幌公演にて地元出演者指導ミストレスを務める。

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